Anna Lifsec

Anna Lifsec

Project title:  Education and health in the era of mass incarceration

Project description:  I study the way mass incarceration, (the unprecedented and unparalleled growth of the carceral state in the U.S.), intersects with major institutions and outcomes. Part of my research explores how system involved parents interact with surveilling institutions, specifically schools and how this affects educational outcomes of children. I also research how contact with the criminal justice system through families effects late in life mental and physical health outcomes. Finally, I study how our criminal justice system can be reformed, primarily through progressive prosecution. 

Most important accomplishment:  Receiving a Congressional award for my decade of volunteer work at an animal rescue and therapeutic riding center. 

Reflections on the College Scholar Program:  Through the College Scholar Program I have met students from all disciplines who are passionate about learning in a way I had not yet encountered at Cornell. Their passion and their incredible expertise inspires me everyday to strive for more knowledge in my own field. I feel very fortunate to have their inspiration and their guidance in my studies.