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Media source: Cornell Engineering Magazine
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Illustration of objects in space


Video: Spacecraft destined for orbit following balloon test

Following a successful weather balloon test of their spacecraft electronics, Cornell students have begun building the final version of Alpha CubeSat – a small satellite that will carry a first-of-its-kind light sail, hologram-embossed solar panels and several other new techniques for deep-space travel. For the past four years, a team of mostly engineering students has been designing and…

 Professor making new tool


Crafting new tools to explore thoughts, dreams and memories

One need not travel millions of light-years to explore one of the greatest scientific frontiers of the 21st century. It is mere millimeters that modern-day pioneers are attempting to journey in order to better understand the mystery of how the human brain is wired to produce thoughts, feelings, dreams, memories and actions.As long as the inner-workings of the brain remain poorly understood, so…