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Person behind a large machine
Provided Nozomi Ando running crystallography experiments at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source


Ando wins award for contributions to biochemistry and molecular biology

Nozomi Ando, associate professor of chemistry and chemical biology, is being honored with the 2024 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Mildred Cohn Young Investigator Award for her outstanding and field defining contributions to the fields of protein dynamics. Ando has dedicated her career to “seeing” atoms using high energy X-rays with a technique called diffuse…

Purple cells with blue highlights show against a dark background
National Cancer Institute/Unsplash Human colorectal cancer cells treated with a topoisomerase inhibitor


How carbohydrates function to help or hurt humans: Aggarwal Lectures March 15-16

Carbs are often thought of as something to minimize in one’s diet – but consider that carbohydrate molecules are as important to our bodies as proteins and DNA. All organisms have carbohydrates coating their cells, and these molecules are essential to how cells communicate with each other and how humans can evade pathogens and maintain health. In the Spring 2023 Aggarwal Lectures, chemical…