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Byline: Jim Schnabel
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Horizontally-oriented abstract shapes in purple, green and black
Mohammad Arifuzzaman and David Artis/Provided Color-enhanced goblet cells (dark purple) in lung epithelium.


Common dietary fiber promotes allergy-like immune responses

Inulin, a type of dietary fiber commonly used in health supplements and known to have certain anti-inflammatory properties, can also promote an allergy-related type of inflammation in the lung and gut, and other parts of the body, according to a preclinical study from researchers in the Friedman Center for Nutrition and Inflammation and Jill Roberts Institute for Inflammatory Bowel Disease at…

Cells, magnified and dyed purple


Lymphoma cell metabolism may provide new cancer target

Aggressive and relatively common lymphomas called diffuse large B cell lymphomas (DLBCLs) have a critical metabolic vulnerability that can be exploited to trick these cancers into starving themselves, according to a study from Cornell researchers. The researchers, whose study published Dec. 13 in Blood Cancer Discovery, showed that the protein ATF4, a genetic master-switch that controls…